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.: Wonder Dates Of Note :.
June: (2006) Cover date of Wonder Woman #1 (vol. III), the rebooted series by Allan Heinberg and Terry Dodson.
June 9: (1954) George Pérez, writer and artist of Wonder Woman comics (vol. II) from 1987 until 1992, is born in New York, NY.
June 10: (1965) Elizabeth Hurley, who played the villainous Veronica Cale in NBC’s 2011 Wonder Woman pilot, was born in Basingstoke, Hampshite, England.
June 12: (1948) Len Wein, past editor and writer of Wonder Woman (vol. II) comics, is born June 12, 1948, in New York, NY.
June 15: (1927) Ross Andru, artist of Wonder Woman comics from 1958 until 1967, is born.
June 18: (year unknown) Robert Kanigher, past editor and writer of Wonder Woman comics (vol. I), is born June 18, 1915 in Fishkill, New York.
June 29: (year unknown) Allan Heinberg, past writer of Wonder Woman comics (vol. III), is born June 29, 1967.

WONDER WOMAN - 12" MEGO "Wonder Woman's Wonder Wardrobe"
(1977-1978) - #73525 - 15 Total Outfits
Some of the rarest and most expensive of Wonder Woman Collectibles!
Despite the fact that they were produced in the thousands, some of the rarest Wonder Woman collectibles are the 1977-1978 Mego "Wonder Wardrobe" outfits for the 12" Wonder Woman doll line. Until the last few years, most collectors had never even heard of them, or thought they were a myth. The "Wonder Wardrobe" line is completely real, however, albeit hard to find, and very expensive. Three carded examples from the 1978 line sold on eBay for $4200 in June 2015! Eventually, more of these outfits will show up, and the market will likely calmn down, but for now, here are some of the rarest and most expensive of the Wonder Woman collectibles.
Photos below are from the webmaster's collection and eBay, except for the following:
Catalog pictures below are scanned courtesy the collection of Brian Heller (of Plaid Stallions) and Rob Chatlin (of Mego Museum).
Photos of some carded 1977 and 1978 outfits are courtesy Jim Emmons, JT LaPan, and Nathan Brock.
Photos of a few non-carded 1977 and 1978 outfits are at Jemboy Ric's website here. Note that he has customized most of the outfits for display and photo purposes, so be sure to read the descriptions carefully so you do not get confused.
Please DO NOT post these to other websites or collectors groups without permission and a LINK to WonderWomanMuseum.com!

1977 Wonder Wardrobe - Catalog Wave 1 (catalog prototypes)
The 1977 Mego Christmas Toy Fair catalog shows six prototype outfits for the Wonder Woman doll's "Wonder Wardrobe." They are:
(77-1 proto) Paradise Island Formal Wear (pale yellow toga with flowers on shoulder straps, small silver bracelets, white high heels)
(77-2 proto) Diana Prince Fitted Skirt Suit (Purple-blue jacket and skirt with white buttons and white neck bow, black flat shoes)
(77-3 proto) Diana Prince Gown (red low-cut evening gown with side-slit skirt, red lapel flower, red high heels)
(77-4 proto) Paradise Island Practice Session (white toga with red shoulder straps and belt, white-red-black tiara, white strap sandals)
(77-5 proto) Diana Prince Judo Outfit (white judo jacket and pants. black belt, white slippers)
(77-6 proto) Diana Prince Nurse Outfit (white dress and belt, center buttons, white hat and kit with red cross, white wedge shoes)
Catalog copy: "Wonder Woman's Wonder Wardrobe 73525: The fabulous forties are back with Wonder Woman's costume assortment. Her fitted skirt suit, gown with a slit skirt, nurses outfit and judo outfit are her Diana Prince costumes. And for her life on paradise Island, here are two togas; one for practice sessions, one for formal wear. Designed to fit Nubia and Queen Hippolyte too!"
Note that the two Paradise Island outfits and the nurse's outfit relatively faithfully replicate the TV costumes worn in the Lynda Carter pilot telefilm. Also note that only four of these prototype catalog outfits were released (with slight alterations); oddly, the two Paradise Island outfits were never released (though the Grecian is similar to the Formal Wear look)!

1977 Wonder Wardrobe / "Garde Robe" - Canadian Wave 1 (Mego / Pin Pin Toys)
The first set of outfits were released in 1977 in Canada only, and were carded. Mego manufactured the outfits for Pin Pin Toys, which were distributed by Lutece Trading. The releases were shown on the BOX BACK for the 12" Mego dolls in the following order:
(77-1) Grecian (bright yellow see-through dress, light blue cape with lower trim, yellow flat shoes)
(77-2) Plum Crazy (Purple-blue jacket and skirt with small white neck bow, red flat shoes - altered Diana Prince Fitted Skirt Suit)
(77-3) Lipstick (red medium-cut evening gown with front slit skirt, red high heels - altered Diana Prince Gown)
(77-4) Red Cross (white dress and belt, blue short cape with red tie, white wedge shoes - altered Diana Prince Nurse Outfit)
(77-5) Diana Prince (blue military uniform and glasses, black shoes, came in package, not sold separately)
(77-6) Classic (black strapless evening gown with chiffon shawl, black high heels)
(77-7) Black Belt (white judo jacket and pants with red trim, red belt, white wedge shoes - altered Diana Prince Judo Outfit)
The majority of the carded versions have an action drawing of Wonder Woman on the card front (drawn by Dick Giordano). All card backs have a montage of images drawn by Dick Giordano, which show Diana Prince in multiple outfits, including several of the prototype outfits never released!
Text for the entire packaging was in French with the exception of the Wonder Woman logo. The French version of the back copy read:
"Faites collection de toute sa garde-robe Les costumesiront aussi a "Nubia" et "Queen Hippolyte"
I have never seen evidence that the (5) Diana Prince blue military uniform was ever sold separately carded, and have listed it that way. Jemboy Ric believes differently on his website, but the pictured version he shows is not carded, and has been personally customized with a US Navy hat and glasses from a Barbie outfit.
VARIATION ALERT: There is at least one major packaging variation known. The card front has Lynda Carter's photo at the top, and all packaging text is in English only. The outfit name is printed on the front of the plastic bubble. No text mention is made on the packaging of Pin Pin Toys, only Mego. A white sticker on the bottom of the card back includes all of the French text about the outfit. To date, this website only knows of one package of this sort (the Grecian outfit, which also features different bottom trim), though it is likely that others exist. If you know anything further about this variation or have photos, please let us know!
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1978 Wonder Wardrobe - Catalog Wave 2 (catalog prototypes)
The 1978 Mego catalog shows nine prototype outfits for the Wonder Woman doll. They are NOT NAMED, but given names by this website below for ease in identification:
(78-1 proto) Little House on the Island (white puffy-sleeve blouse, long salmon skirt with white ribbon near bottom, white shoes)
(78-2 proto) Flower Noir (white evening gown with black flower print, white shoulder wrap, shoes unknown)
(78-3 proto) Blue Shimmer (pale blue evening gown with see-through blue sleeves and wrap, white shoes)
(78-4 proto) Lynda Carter Sings (white puffy-sleeve blouse with high collar, black skirt with chiffon overlay, black belt, black shoes)
(78-5 proto) Green Constellation (green pants and large shoulder wrap with white star print, silver shoes)
(78-6 proto) Woodsy Woman (red plaid blouse, blue skirt, black belt, red headband, white shoes)
(78-7 proto) Horizontal and Heels (white puffy-sleeve dress with center slit, horizontal black lines, white high heels)
(78-8 proto) Pink Power (red-and-white striped sleeveless shirt, white pants, pink coat, white shoes)
(78-9 proto) Rust Wrangler (brown plaid blouse, rust pants, rust tie belt, rust shoes)
All of these outfits are known to have been released, though some were in slightly altered versions from those shown in the catalog.

1978 Wonder Wardrobe - Canadian Wave 2 (Mego / Parkdale Novelty Co.)
The second set of outfits were released in 1978 in Canada only, and were carded. Mego manufactured the outfits for Parkdale Novelty Co., Ltd. in Toronto. The card was the exact same card as the previous releases. Nowhere were the exact number or style of outfits advertised or named. The released versions are as follows (reminder: names are this website's - the releases had no names given):
(78-1) Little House on the Island (unknown what carded version fully contains)
(78-2) Flower Noir (unknown what carded version fully contains)
(78-3) Blue Shimmer (unknown what carded version fully contains)
(78-4) Lynda Carter Sings (as shown in catalog)
(78-5) Green Constellation (as shown in catalog)
(78-6) Woodsy Woman (unknown what carded version fully contains)
(78-7) Horizontal and Heels (dress significantly different from prototype, with horizontal blue-green-black-white lines)
(78-8) Pink Power (as shown in catalog)
(78-9) Rust Wrangler (as shown in catalog)
Text for the packaging was bilingual. The English version of the back copy read "Collect all of her Wonder Wardrobe. Costumes will also fit Nubia and Queen Hippolyte."
VARIATION ALERT: Of the nine released outfits, at least one major variation may exist: the Pink Power outfit has been found carded with white shoes. However, since the pink shoes are shown in below photos with a non-carded outfit, the shoes could be replacements. Mego often switched shoes in production, so it is entirely possible that the outfit exists in both fashions.
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Note: This page is being updated semi-regularly, so if a link doesn't work, check back later or email the webmaster!
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